Friday, July 15, 2011

Cleansing your body

I entered into a program with Integrated Nutrition to become a wellness coach.
Part of my knowledge as a wellness coach is to experiment with my own body, try new food, take some food out, exercise differently...
I have made some changes already, eating organic food, cutting sugar, adding more whole grains, reducing meat. I eat more consciously, I chew and I take time to eat.
Next week, I am starting a cleanse, this is new and exciting for me and my family.
I will be reporting what I eat and how I feel. It's a 3-phase cleanse, transition in, deep and transition out. My goal is to do 4 days - 7 days - 4 days.
I will be back next week with more to report.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the cleanse! Keep us posted on how it goes.
